The Blogger Mommie is Proud to Feature: Sasha Peterson

My next (and final) featured MoM is more than a friend. Sasha, Sash and I have know each other since we were kids and we also have common cousins but as a Mother, she is certainly a role-model and embodies the modern, calm, cool, adventurous, balanced and very chic Mom. At a kids event, you're likely to see her with her son on her shoulders (something I wish to master someday), at holidays and even otherwise she's there spending every minute with her precious son and with the brightest smile. Read Sash's take on Motherhood. My favorite part is where she talks about equipping herself with patience and strategy because your child is always watching you... so, so important when raising kids today. Her message to Mom's is enduring and will certainly leave you with so much the decisions you make for your child! I guarantee, you'll enjoy reading her take on Motherhood.

Motherhood! The best role I have played till date. I've always loved spending time with children but no amount of "experience" prepares you for your journey as a mommy. Who knew I'd be capable of loving one little bundle so much and consciencly feel that love grow with each waking day.

Motherhood is one time to put in all your effort and passion, whole heartedly and selflessly for the benefit and well being of another human being. I have learned to equip myself with patience and strategy because you're dealing with someone who is evaluating your every move and developing himself based on what he is observing. I have learned that being a bigger person trumps all else!!!

EVERYTHING!!! I dont remember ever being so happy, ever being loved so much, ever being needed so much, ever missing someone so much, ever wishing for so much good for someone, ever loving so hard...

Everything you do everyday is ultimately for the welfare of your baby. If you're a working mom, balance is important. Remember that it defeats the purpose if you spend all the time only at the office. Always LISTEN to your child. You are his biggest confidant and support system. Be patient with him, he just wants to be your number one.
Always go by your instincts when it comes to your baby. Every one have opinions and all of them could be right.......FOR THEIR KIDS. Trust yourself with the decisions you make for your child because most often than not, they end up being the right one.
show your baby you love him and tell him too. Let him make his decisions, but guide him in the path that is best for him, not the path that you want.

Look for more in the coming weeks and if you'd like to be featured on the Blogger Mommie page, please email
